13 November 2008

As you fuggers know, limpeh got 2 kittens cats at home and limpeh's mother has been taking care of their shit and pee for almost a year now. What do limpeh mean when limpeh say take care of their shit and pee? You see, domestic cats are trained to do their business in one little basin call peetray that has catsand in it. When cats pee, these catsand will clog up into a chunk to trap all the pee and all you have to do is to scoop and throw downstairs. Likewise when they pangsai.

But limpeh's mother's back is not that good because long long time ago, the only milk she can find in the market is only soya milk and not Anlene so her ba jiak goot is not as strong as Michelle Yeo. Since her ba jiak goot is not so strong, she finds it hard to bend down to scoop those chunk of catsand and throw downstairs. Limpeh's limbu try to score points with limpeh's mother and suggested from now on, limpeh will throw the catsand chunk downstairs. Limpeh of cos not happy lar! Everyday in office must wipe customer's backside still not enuff, come back still must clear the things that come out from the cats backside. Where got time!!

So limpeh said, if limpeh have to do that, limpeh tomorrow will bring the 2 cats and set them free at Bukit Batok park. Below was how the conversation went...

Mother: 你如果把他们放掉,我就把你抓去光明山放掉!

Limpeh: 我长大了。。现在轮到我把你放掉。。因为你连 takesee 都不会搭。

Mother: 。。。。

Limpeh: 你会跟 takesee uncle 说...“takesee uncle,可以载我回家吗?”then takesee uncle 会说... “你住在哪里?”then 你说...“在我弟弟隔壁(my uncle stays next door)” then takesee uncle 会说... “那你弟弟住哪里?”then 你说...“他住靠近电梯啰!”

Mother: 。。。。。。现在很厉害了哦!

Limpeh: 不会啦。。。骗吃骗吃而已。。

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