14 June 2004

What Kinda Person Are You?


The Show-off believes whhat he does or possesses will make up for what he fails to be himself. He seeks to compensate for his own lack of self-esteem by owning big things. hoping this will attract the attention and recognition he desperately needs. To the Show-off. money is the symbol of love, and wothout it, he fears he will lose love. He cannot ask for love, but tries to buy it. He is unable to share his feelings directly. Unfortunately. the Show-off never feels worthy of the love he does recieve, ecause he knows he is being loved for his achievements and possessions and not for being himself. He often feels used and unappreciated, which he never admits to it. The Show-off needs to practice sharing his feelings and allowing others to see who he is inside. He needs to work on his inner self image and relax his outer image. Then he will learn that he can be loved for who he is and not for what he has or what he does.


This person is always proving that he doesnt need others. At some point while growing up, he didnt get the love abd recognition he wated, so he decided he didnt need it. The Loner has learned to be self-sufficient. Inside, he is an incredibly sensitive and caring spirits who has been hurt too many times. He has learned to "care less", to be detached from his feelings. for to feel the would be too painful.
The Loner feels guilty for needing so much love and thus he denies his needs. " I can do it alone" he proudly proclaims. " I dont need you" Because he doesnt express his needs clearly, he is continually dissappointed and hurt in relationships. He will also resent feeling obligated to satisfy his parnter's or friend's needs, just as he resents having his own needs. To the Loner, needs are a sign of weakness. The easiest choice for a Loner is to just avoid relationships and friends and live alone. The more he feels his needs, the more he will separate and retreat, thus pushing out the very love he needs so desparately.


This person walks around with a chip on his shoulder. for him, anger is protection; it is a roar to scare away adversity. The Angry person feels an iinner inadequacy and is always trying to protect himself. To compensate for that feeling of inadequacy, he refuses to be adequately satisfied by the outer world.Nothing can please him. He projects his own onadequacy everywhere, hence feeling frustrated and bitter towards the world.
The Angry person feels ripped off by life and is constantly trying to get even. He gets angry at the drop of a hat and remember every injustuce he has ever experienced. He delights in the shortcomings and failings of others and thus becomes overly competitive.
The Angry person is stucked in feelings of anger and blame as a cover-up for his own feelings of inadequacy and hurt He must learn that he still deserves love even if he is inadequate in certain areas. Through loving and forgiving others, he will learn to truly love and forgive himself.


This person has learned that if he is wrong, people will not love him and will consider him bad. In order to get love, he attempts to be right at all cost. He can never admit that he is wrong, for to cinfess his faults and failures would mean the loss of love and would be very painful to him. The SELF-RIGHTEOUS person tries to make others wrong in order to be right himself. He has a rational excuse for everything he does. He could even become a great teacher. But dont try to have an argument with the self righteous person because it will sound more like he is lecturing you on why you are wrong and he is right. The Self -Righteous person needs to start practice saying: " I am sorry, " whenever he makes a mistake, even when he has a great excuse. Rationalization and justification are favourite ways of advoiding feelings, esp the feeling of guilt. This person needs to learn that others will love him, even if he is wrong or makes a mistake.

So which one are you? I'm abit of the LONER, ANGRY PERSON and alot of the SELF-RIGHTEOUS PERSON I guess....

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