26 May 2003

You and me baby aint nothing but rodents so lets do it like they do on Animal Planet~!
I beg my this 2 friends (Andy and his wife Lina) to help me get a pair of dwarf hamsters so that i can score points with ah may. Nate came along with the two mongolians(the hammies) and yes! We had Pokka Peach with Aloe Vera and this drink rocks! Coming back with the two mongolians...wonder why i call them mongolians? Becos they belongs to a breed known as Roborovski.I think i will name one as Gengis and the other as Kublai though it doesnt make sense but these are the only two mongolian names i know. Try taking it with the camera Jo lend me but the effects are not exactly wat i wanted so i got mah brother to lend me his precious S45. I took a short clip of those two playing the wheel but i cant show it to yall here...if you know the ways to get me and wanna take a look at it u can always msg me....anyway here are the pics....