26 March 2003

I feel funny when i tune into mah blog nowadays. Seeing so many pictures lying around, its just so not "Freakshow". Ok, i'm glad i finally got the chance to upload pix and link it over. But i guess i was overwhelmed with excitement that i post every god damn pic i wanted to post all along into one post. Then now i feel so lost. How can that be right? I've finally achieved something that i've always wanted to, i should feel relieved, contended perhaps. But no lor, i've got this weird feeling in me. Seems like now i've got nothing to long fer in this blog. Mission Accomplished, i no longer need u kinda feeling. Maybe its time to get a digital cam with that marnie i'm gonna get fer selling mah Epiphone Les Paul Custom.

I manage to rip it off Ah Yap's site hehe....Anyway i just dont feel like buying another guitar anymore. I've totally lost interest getting another guitar after wat my ex did to my beloved Takamine Jasmine. Yes, i would like to think she lend it to some mat yoyo who dont seems to take care of their things. "Hey dek, sini! Hop!" Ah dek miss and guitar ga lao tor kar, part of the head chip off. "Hey bang, kepala bitjiak!" Ah bang say,"tak problem la...guitar tak aku's. guitar is aku's friend's friend's. Aku heard is a Gemok." Ah dek reply, "Alrite brudder! Power la brudder! Gemok bodoh! Come on brudder!! Lets sing Cinta Abadi! Rock will never die brudder!! Alamak...guitar jiatoh again...but nevermind, not bang's, its gemok's". Kewl...this scenario have been going on in mah head whole nite after i heard she lend mah guitar to someone and FAIL to get it back. Kewl isnt it? You take thing pple lend u and lend to others. I rest mah case. Thanks to her low integrity she have become the most hated person in mah life. I despise u now and i dont intend to have back my Takamine. Even if she's gonna gimme back now i'ma smashed it up like how those rockers smashed up their guitar on stage. It's of no value now cos it in someone's hand that i dont even know. The feeling fer tat guitar sux now. My Takamine died the moment i lend it to her. I rather she smashed it, burn it like some firewood or simply discard it. She lend other pple's thing to someone that person dont even know and she dare to tell my friend she FAIL to get it back. More like she dont intend to get it back. How can u fail to get pple's thing back? Its ur responsibility isnt it? Fucking hell....nevermind...i hate you. If i ever get to see i'd give u a tight slap and tell u the facts of life. No, i'm not even gonna touch u or see u or hear abt u. I wish i never know u.You are right, its a mistake to start something between us. No...i wanna rephrase that. ITS A MISTAKE TO JUST EVEN KNOW U, SCUMBAG~!!!!!!!

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