07 September 2003

Just came back from jamming, alone, under my block, had 6 sticks of fag in 2 hours, threw away the remaining 4 cos I'm discourage from fagging, had a can of 100 plus and greentea, sang a few songs softly, talked to a few uncles, smsed a few person, walked a few miles, evapourated a few gallons of water, killed a few mosquitoes, hurt a few fingers, drained a few millions cells thinking what songs to jam.

Went to Fisherman Village last friday and had a few dishes with 2 friend of mine. Then we went down to Embargo to meet another 2 friend of mine. Not a really handicap friendly place, but still managed to have a glass of coke with lemon there. The music's not really slow nor its extremely fast, just nice for a relaxed night with some breeze. Lover's in love and the others run away. Nothing much other than that. The fags are starting to become tasteless, so is life. What's next? I wonder. Whatever's gonna come, will come somehow. Thinking where will I go after death. One of the stars perhaps. One that wouldn't stop glittering for perhaps the next 10 million years. Stars are those that are luminous, not the illuminated. But stars will someday goes into supernova as well, so nothing is really permanently in existence. Buddhist studies? Maybe. Nothing is permanent, why you wanna be so persistant? Bitches they come they go, so are bastards.

Everyone is striving hard to achieve something in life, just to lose it in years to come, and you've got no control over losing the things you once own. Why do you try to achieve it in the first place, right? Simple things in life that you wont fear of losing is ample. Try not to obtain something you'll fear to lose it someday cos you will lose it eventually. Accept whatever things that you're given to. Accept it with a grace and take things easy when its gone without a trace. You cant? Right, its not easy I admit. But what can you do when it leaves you? Nothing. Ranting and whinning help sooth your feelings abit, but dont dwell in it for too long. Move on. Life's too short to be too particular about winning and losing. Simplicity is the way of having a fulfilling 70-80 years. You came to the world with nothing and you leave this world empty handed as well.

Whenever people share their problems with you, almost 99% just wanna share with you their woes. Advices are given to show that you're paying attention to what they saying, don't expect them to heed it. Try not to make their problems into yours or you'll have a hard time. What most people want, is just a pair of listening ears, not a talking mouth. Most people doesnt know how to heed advices since its coming from all sorts of directions. Which one should they heed? Its a difficult question to answer or there's no answer at all. Passive thinking? You be the judge, you're the one running your life, not me or others. You bear the consequences for making the wrong moves, but sometimes it affect the others too. Not too worry, they choose to be affected. Everyone have a choice to take the blue or red pill. No one force the pill into their mouth. They pick up the pill with their own hands and place it into their own mouth. Life's a bitch, so why can't you be one too?

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