01 July 2003

Ok its tuesday...so whats with tuesday? Its.....jamming day! Yeah! JAm Jam Jam JAm Jammmmmmm wooooooooohooooooooooo!!! I just cant get enough of sneaking out to have a puff with friends. I fag in the morning too when there's no one around. But when I do that, I feel lonely, frustrated, melancholic, agitated etc etc. Its always good when there's someone around to fag with. Don't understand why, it feels different when theres a friend to fag with you. One of my ex fag too and I enjoy fagging with her. I dont stop people from fagging even though I know its bad for them. Not because I'm a smoker myself, but I just feel that if they cant even decide what to do with their own life, I dont know what else can they accomplish. I dont like to live in someone's shadow. Everybody created a model shadow for another to follow. I wanna have control with my own life, everybody should have total freedom to do what they wanna do. We can only give advices, we cannot give orders or directions and expect people to listen to them. Please refrain from asking people to do the things that pleases you or you think its good for them. You wont know what they want because they will always be them and you will always be you, just like two lines in parallel will never meet each other or cross path. Not in the past, not now and certainly not in the future. So please stop changing someone just because you think it is good for them. Next time when you wanna ask someone to do or stop doing something you like/dislike, think about how would you feel when someone does that to you....

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