08 December 2003

Hypocrite hypocrite, we are all hypocrites! I'm trying not to be one but it seems so hard. Why must we put on a fake front once awhile? Why cant we just say the things that's ringing in our heads? Why cant we just ask those people to fuck off and stop bothering about them? Why man why? Why must keh keh cho lang? Is socialogy such a difficult subject to learn? Are you a successful person in life? If you are, most probably you're a successful hypocrite as well. Is hypocrisy really that bad? Are you so sure you're not one of hypocrisy's disciple? You never put on a fake front once? Not even once? Dont lie you fucking guy. Everybody is fake, its just how often they fake. You you you you you and you are all fakers. No one escapes from that dreadful hypocrisy spell. Not a single one. Like it or not, you are a hypocrite.

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