12 December 2003

Sometimes I'm really pissed at myself. I know I hate to answer queries and still I choose to answer em. Fuck...but sometimes I do enjoy answering questions. I realise its how people pose their questions that pissed me off. Another thing is their mentality. They dont wanna give you that "I dunno a fucking thing about this at all" impression so they try their best to cover it up with lotsa irrelevant assumptions. Bloodyfuckers. If you're trying to seek assurance from something you assumed then you fucking pose the question as your assumption and not as you're seeking for an answer. Then when someone give you a different answer you fucking challenge it with your own assumptions. That is oh so fucking fucking fucking fucking irritating. I'm so fucking tempted to paste the fucking dialogue here but I think I better not. Why not? What's there to be afraid of? No, its not that I'm afraid. Its because I dont wanna read it again to make myself pissed again. Fuck you NUS students you think you so big fuck and know everything....if you're so smart you dont have to come seek assurance from me in the first place you fucking piece of shit....mmm seee du lan meh~ puiz!!

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