03 December 2003

Sometimes, its better to admire someone from afar. If you try to know that person you admire better, you might end up being disappointed for what you admired are just be illusions you created for yourself. Admiration doesnt always have to grow deeper when you know that person better. Sometimes, instead of admiring that person more, you grew out of the admiration. In the end you realise the person you should be admiring is yourself....but please do not overdo it or you might turn into one self-centered narcissist.

I wanted to abstract something from what my friend wrote in Singapore20plus forum and paste it here but after some consideration i decided not to. Its an article about Relationship and its well written. You might think why I wouldn't share with you if I think its well written? The reason is because I think Relationship is a personal issue. Everyone will experience different shit and everyone has a different mindset. This article is trying to generalise everyone into one catogery. Then why is it well written? Because if everyone were to behave like what the article wrote, it would be a less heartbroken, sad, and disappointed world we're gonna live in. Everyone would be happier once they recognise the fact of "you like me" doesnt EQUAL to "I must like you" back. Making someone like you for what you do not possess but acting as if you have them is stupid. By trying hard to sell yourself infront of that person you like is stupid as well. You're you and just be yourself. I use to praise myself alot infront of friends but its all just to make people laugh. Sometimes I would blurt out things like "Hey, I think I can sing really well" and "I think I'm funny" during a conversation. I'm not trying to sell myself but I wonder why I say that all of a sudden. Then someone say I'm howlian but I dont think so since my intention is not to sell myself. I think I'm merely assuring myself with the things people say about me. Like someone say, "Hey thats a nice pair of jeans".....the next time you wear that pair of jeans you will say to yourself, "Hey, this is really a nice pair of jeans". Its like you're agreeing with people the things they say about you or your things. But if you wanna put up a show and behave like someone that person like, go on, no one is stopping you. Afterall, its all about being happy. If you think you're happy doing that then go ahead, be it what's waiting behind. You only live once and you're not coming back...be contended with the things you do, be happy with the things you do, feel shiok doing the things you are doing, but be responsible.

I think I'm fucking loh soh when I type. Fucking loh soh....fucking stupid sentences.

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