12 July 2002

Once again i'm depressed. Feel so bored at home with no one to tok to. Mom is taking her nap and i'm again left alone. Lotsa pple in irc but none of them is interesting to tok to. All kinda shit happen in it everyday. Argh...Why am i so bored~? Can someone tell me? I just cant find anything interesting to do...not even playing playstation 2.

Will someone be kind enuff to bring me out? I'm really bored....this is really depressing leh....nothing to do at home. Ah....i somehow miss the days when i was still in the army. Quite like this kinda life where u stay with so many pple. And all sorts of shit to do the whole day....at least when u're bored u got pple who is bored to tok to, got pple to fuck around with those kinda thing. Ahh..I'm still bored... write this someother time.....

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